TNBC Skunkworks Enduro (My Corona)

If you are reading this, you have been invited (or at least know of) to the Tuesday Night Beer Club’s Skunkworks Enduro! This will be a test for later events that will feature the same format but with a larger race group and potentially more segments to compete on. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the rules have been modified to allow competition but minimise risk.

Aim: casual enduro format lasting a month to promote riding in winter months.

Dates: 01/04/2020 to 30/04/2020

Participants: members of TNBC Strava group. This allows for easier monitoring of segment times and scoring.

Segments: Due to IMBA and AMBA regulations, riders must not drive to trail heads and can use mountain bike trails provided they have low risk and can be ridden to. For this reason, Epsom, Strathdale, and Spring Gully are the only networks apart of this prototype enduro. Segments are:

Epsom: Five Dollar Shake, Road to Nowhere, Mummy’s Track A, Storey Time, and Birthday Track.

Spring Gully: Koolamurt Bridge Up, Sidewinder Shortie, Green Light, Dam Wall Jumps and Drops, and Bunyip Descent.

Strathdale: Power Pole Dancer, Wubba Lubba Dub Dub, Reverse of the Beaten Track, Strath Switchbacks, and Dip in the Creek

Scoring: In order to score points and win the Skunkworks Enduro, participants must do the following:

  • Ride once a day (regardless of MTB or trail network where segments are monitored) = 1 point
  • Ride one of the networks per day = 1 point (1 point maximum per day to prevent riders from driving to other networks)
  • Ride a segment within the enduro = 1 point each segment per day (riding a segment multiple times will not net additional points)
  • Gold, Silver or Bronze time on a designated segment within the enduro per day = 1 point (earning multiple medals will not net additional points)
  • The Moistener = 3 bonus points for riding in the wet (rain has to have fallen during the day)
  • Secret Segment (one of the five segments is worth a bonus) = 2 points per day

Prize: Six pack of Beechworth Pale Ale (or equivalent price) from The Hop Supply Co.


  • This modified version is about safety, preserving mental and physical health, and to keep riding. This will be won by riding everyday and not wrecking during these trying times.
  • Don’t over session a segment. If you get three medals in the one day, remember you only get 1 point for doing the segment.
  • Do not ride as a group, but encourage each other to get out. We’re in this together and we need to focus on something other than the news?

Good luck!

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