2024 Format

Suppose it’s been a while since I’ve updated how this blog works?

The last format change came in 2020 when the pandemic broke out, bike and trail reviews became scarce, and ultimately my focus was working in healthcare during uncertain times. And for the past 3 years a lot has changed with my personal life, mountain biking and hobbies. So where do I go from here?

Life posts are pretty much rare, if not will not be written again because I feel like most thoughts have been elaborated and I don’t want to become a life coach or whatever social media influencers do with “sage advice”. Married life is good, I love my job as a radiographer, and there’s not much else to really complain or learn about life other than financial responsibilities.

Rider Files will hopefully occur more often thanks to my ability to travel improving and demo/rental bikes are coming back to the general public. It was strange to think most demo and rental bikes weren’t available because a bike store could sell them immediately from the floor if not pre-orders for months thanks to the supply chain issue combined with increased disposable income? So bikes and trails will hopefully feature at least every month or so.

Off the Racing Line was a struggle at times, and I no longer have the obsession with Formula 1 I previously had. I have considered doing write ups on WEC, GTE and GT3 since those series deserve attention, plus people can watch racing for free thanks to YouTube. So Off the Racing Line, pending…

Brewer’s Thesis is the main driving force of this blog at the moment. With the first three beers made, there have been many learning experiences that will propel things forward and also move towards more experimental write ups than just developing my skills and research of how to craft brew. So Brewer’s Thesis will be a main focus.

YouTube with the same name will have both Go-Pro Guides and Brewer’s Thesis when able, since far more time and effort goes into those but content dumping via video is something I don’t like with social media. So it’s either quality video or radio silence?

If you read posts when they come up, thank you for the years of support. If you are discovering this page for the first time, plenty for you to read. And keep riding and stay awesome!